Wednesday 31 October 2012


Flight into Brisbane was beautiful as we desended just as the sun was setting. Then it was a 25min train to the central station in the city and just across the road to my hostel. Bags in the room and a quick check on the net then it was down to the basement bar for a few beer before bed. All the staff are really friendly so should be a good few days before LA flight.

Woke up after a great nights sleep and decided that it was time to do some exploring. First stop was the Botanical gardens which was beside the river.

More to update here when internet lets me upload more pics
St John;'s Catherdral stain glass windows.

View from my bed in the dorm.
I bet you all thought I was going to post a picture of some attractive blonde getting out of the bunk next to mine. Shame on you.
Deep under one of the bars under the hostel is a bit too 18-30's for me, so I went next door where they have live usic on a daily basis. Tonight its a guy doing his own version of Rap, Reggae, Soul and Rock. It sounds asthough its going to be shocking but I am pleasantly supprised.

Monday 29 October 2012

Last few days in Rocky

After packing up the gear from last nights shed party it was round to Col's to bottle the brew we started last week.

With that done we then got a taxi to the Glenmore to meet the rest of the gang.

A few beers later it was then back to base camp for a fish curry that Zoe had expertly cooked and a early night.

Woke in the morning and did my packing then went to the Glenmore for some lunch.
$10 Steak and chips (Yum yum).

Then it was time to jump on the plane to Brisbane.

A huge thank you to Zoe, Aaron and the rest of the gang for making my stay in Rocky so enjoyable. I am going to miss you all. I will try not to leave it 6 years this time before I am back.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Shed party

As no one fancied getting the hour and a half bus to Emu Park for October fest it was decided that we would have a party at Aaron and Zoe's newly built shed.

Camping gear and supplies packed it was off to the block.  Yes the big factory size building on the left is the shed.

With the beds set up in the shed and a few stubby's cracked open it was time to have a swim in the creek to cool off.

Penny's entry to the creek.

 Arron & Jeno playing frisbee to dry off

 Me & Ted by the fire

Chilling in Aaron and Zoe's back yard

Aaron cooking the bangers

A great few days with some great people. Can't believe how quick my time here as gone.

Uni Celebration

As Zoe had handed in her last piece of course work for her masters it was decided that we would go on a pub crawl to celebrate.

First stop was the Allenstown Hotel (the first pub I went to when I arrived in Rocky) where we met up with the one eyed pool playing wizard (Known as Geoff to his mates). After a few scooners and a few games of pool (Zoe 0 -  Rob 2 / Geoff 1 - Rob 0) it was then on to the Brunswick Hotel (I s*** you not / see pic below) for some food.

As with most pubs over here half the pub is basically a bookies that you can get a beer in and the other half is a huge food area. As it was $10 meal day the food area was packed so we sat in the bookie side to eat our food.

Food eaten it was then on to Bartlett's Tavern for some more pool (Zoe 0 - Rob 4 / Geoff 2 - Rob 2)and a few more scooners.

The it was of two O'Dowds to meet up with PG and Sandfly who had just finished work for the day. O'Dowds as the names suggests is a Irish bar but as I didn't want to mix my drinks Guinness was not on the menu.

The Heritage was one of my favorite pubs on the tour. I think somewhere like this would go down really well back in the UK.

Then on two The Criterian Hotel (my second fav pub of the day). Think its because most of the other pubs in Rocky look like factorys from the outside.

A quick pot (smaller than a half pint) in the Oxford while waiting for a taxi back to the Glenmore (My local in Rocky) to wait for Aaron to finish work.

With the car stocked with beer it was then off to Jeno and Penny's for some food and a jam session round a camp fire. Penny had made a curry (I have the recipe and will try it out when I get back to the UK) while Jeno threw some steak on the BBQ. Jeno and Penny's daughter Tia was a superstar calling me Sir for the first few hours before then calling me Robbo.

Me with my new mate the owl (oh yeh and Jeno, lol)

Me, Aaron and Penny round the fire.

Fully fed a watered its a taxi back to base camp for a good night sleep.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Ted up to his old tricks

Another chill day today.

First it was out to Aaron and Zoe's build site to get some information so that they can get there electricity connected.

Then after a steak lunch and a relaxing afternoon it was then of to the Glenmore where Ted was playing to his new found fame.

Who would believe that they would have a luxury boat showroom for ducks in a pub.

Ted using his fame to get a picture with some of the Glenmore staff.

Ted with my favorite Purple Headed Bar Staff (Anna). I love Ted's ability to put a smile on peoples faces.

Just had some Mexican food then gonna have a few beers in the den (the garage) with Aaron and his mates when they get home from work. Think its time I got my ipod out. Lol.

Rocky II Tour

I firstly must highlight a correction to one of my previous posts. The special sauce that I had with my deep fried fish is definately Aaron's rescipe.

Now I've set the record straight onto tour day two. Aaron again took me on a drive to see some more sights despite being on nights (I cannot thank him and Zoe enough, its like being in Dubai with Wayne and Claire all over again).

We went southside (for those of you not familiar with the lingo this means south of the river) for a look at a few of the sights, but before we did we went to my first drive thru pie shop (think drive thru greggs). Meat, curry pie with mushy peas (see picture in Ted Update post) and it was prerry dam good.

First stop was Customs House a beautiful building by the Fitzroy river.

Just by the river is a gauge that show the depth of the river in previous years. Its hard to imagin the volume of water that would be traveling down the river to reach some of these marks.

Aaron tells me that in the floods of 2011 even his work had a foot of water running through it and they had to call specialists in after the waters subsided to get rid of all the snakes. Around 380 snakes (not the nice cuddlely type if there is such a thing) were pulled out of his works over a two week period.

The Walter Reid Cultural Centre can be found in the heart of the warehousing precinct of old Rockhampton. According to a 1995 conservation study, it has a ‘great presence’, dominating the built landscape of the area due to its ‘massive bulk’, ‘long elevations’ and ‘rendered facade’. Over its 100 year history, the Walter Reid building has had various incarnations. While other buildings of the period also characterise this area of Rockhampton, the Walter Reid Cultural Centre has retained its outward character the most successfully and remains the most prominent warehouse in the immediate built landscape.

Walter Reid & Co was a successful business enterprise when Rockhampton relied on overseas imports. The success of the company continued until the mid-twentieth century, when changes in the marketplace and consumer demands decreased the profitability of their retail and wholesale business.

The building screams history. Oh to have been a fly on the wall when it was in its prime.

It was then off to see one of the Bulls (a simbol of Rockhampton being the meat capital of Australia).

Welcome to Rockhampton (A bulls backside)

Farewell from Rockhampton ( The bulls horns)

I dont know which one I prefer.

A quick stop at the Tropic of Capricorn.

Its amazing how when your stood in the Tropic zone is 10 degrees warmer than if you take 10 paces into the Temperate zone (maybe thats because the temperate zone is shaded by a tree, lol).

Then on to the local tip.

I know what your thinking, but this really used to be the local tip until a few years ago. Just goes to show what you can do if you want to.

After seeing the sights of southside it was time to grab a beer in what is now my local before Zoe got home from work.

When Zoe got home it was time to go to the Indian for a Aussie curry (Not as good as a Brit one but not bad). We then went to the Western Pub that has its very own Bull rink in the back.

The pictures aren't great, but I didn;t want to use the flash and annoy the bulls anymore.

Another sucessful day down and its time for bed. Chill day tomos.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Ted Update - Bumper edition

For those of you missing Ted and have been wondering what he has been up to I have a bumper update for you.

Ted waiting at the Byron Bay Bus Stations with his rucksack. He has a 20kg baggage allowance and is determined to use it.

Ted making sure I have changed the time even though we are only taking a bus journey north. For some reason the northern part of the country doesn't do daylight savings time which can make thinks a little complicated when traveling. When you thought you only had a two hour journey it can turn into a three hour one.

Ted with his first beef, curry and mushy peas pie. It tastes better than it sounds.

After weeks searching for the Tropic of Libra, Ted has to settle for the Tropic of Capricorn.

Ted with a scooner (bigger than a half but smaller than a pint) of mid strength.

Ted playing Keno. Best way to describe it would be a mix between Lotto and Bingo.

Ted practicing for his Australia's got tallent audition. Its a mix of dancing and bongo playing that I think will go down well with the judges.

Ted with his new surf board.
The reverse side reads "Brunette's and Red heads are fine too".

 Ted practicing some of his moves.

Ted takes his skin care seriously.

Ted's fitness video "Staying fit with the Duck" tops the Australian chart beating Dame Enda Everage's "Hello Possums Workout" and Jason Donovan / Kyle Minogue's "Scott & Charlene Get Fit". Its available from all good retailers.

When I asked Ted if he wanted to go thong shopping this is not what he had in mind. Then I explained to him that Australian call flip flops thongs.

Ted checks out Aaron and Zoe's Webber BBQ.
I didn't have the heart to tell him that a few of his friends may have been cooked here.

Fresh from his fitness video success and his expected success on Australia's Got Tallent, Ted gets some promo pictures done for I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

God only know what he is going to be like when we get to Los Angeles.