Monday 29 October 2012

Last few days in Rocky

After packing up the gear from last nights shed party it was round to Col's to bottle the brew we started last week.

With that done we then got a taxi to the Glenmore to meet the rest of the gang.

A few beers later it was then back to base camp for a fish curry that Zoe had expertly cooked and a early night.

Woke in the morning and did my packing then went to the Glenmore for some lunch.
$10 Steak and chips (Yum yum).

Then it was time to jump on the plane to Brisbane.

A huge thank you to Zoe, Aaron and the rest of the gang for making my stay in Rocky so enjoyable. I am going to miss you all. I will try not to leave it 6 years this time before I am back.

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