Friday 5 October 2012

I love Hong Kong

It was just going to be a little explore day to get a feel for the city, but I got carried away with myself.  First stop was the Kowloon Harbour so that I could get my 4 day tourist pass for the ferry to and from Hong Kong Island.

Even Ted agreed there are some great views

With the ticket purchased and a ferry at the dock I decided to do a little exploring of HK Island. Too many great pictures to post but here’s one of my favs.

 After a little walk round I made it to Hong Kong Park. A fabulous place I’ll definitely be making a return visit too before I leave. Ted loved the coy pond.

I even got to work on my nature photography (in a city I know!)

 Then it was on to Hong Kong Zoological & Botanical gardens for a look round and something to eat and drink. Ted wasn’t hungry so just had some water to refresh himself.

I post some more pics both Park and Botanical gardens when I go back later in my trip.

As I was close by and the air visibility was good I then got the tram up to the Peak and Sky terrace to get some pictures of the city from above. The tram goes up a 45 degree incline which is a experience in its self. At the top you expect a little cafe and a few view points. What you get are two separate four story shopping complex’s both with viewing decks. I’m going to let the pictures of the day and night views rather than me trying to describe them. I’m still dumb stuck.

 I told him to get down, but Ted is all about taking risks to get the perfect shot.

Me waiting at the top for the sun to go down.

View on the other side of the hill isn't bad too.

A few of my many night time shots



'm smiling inside. Its just hard to smile and concentrate on taking a picture of yourself.

A great day that will be hard to top.

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