Wednesday 31 October 2012


Flight into Brisbane was beautiful as we desended just as the sun was setting. Then it was a 25min train to the central station in the city and just across the road to my hostel. Bags in the room and a quick check on the net then it was down to the basement bar for a few beer before bed. All the staff are really friendly so should be a good few days before LA flight.

Woke up after a great nights sleep and decided that it was time to do some exploring. First stop was the Botanical gardens which was beside the river.

More to update here when internet lets me upload more pics
St John;'s Catherdral stain glass windows.

View from my bed in the dorm.
I bet you all thought I was going to post a picture of some attractive blonde getting out of the bunk next to mine. Shame on you.
Deep under one of the bars under the hostel is a bit too 18-30's for me, so I went next door where they have live usic on a daily basis. Tonight its a guy doing his own version of Rap, Reggae, Soul and Rock. It sounds asthough its going to be shocking but I am pleasantly supprised.

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