Sunday 21 October 2012

Gone fishing!!!

Up at 4:30am (Ouch) to go fishing and by 5:30am the boat was in the water and had a beer in my hand (apparently its tradition over here).

Aaron getting the boat ready to launch.

Aaron skillfully taking us past all the sand banks while Zoe prepares the crab pots.

Our beer shelf and some cracking views.

Me with one of the fish I managed to catch (not good eating so this one went back along with 6 others).

A keeper (will be thrown on the BBQ at some point)

After a long , fun day in the sunshine (protection a must) it was back home for a quick shower then out to the pub to celebrate.

Anna (my favorite member of bar staff) (must be the purple hair) looks after us while Tristen (bar manager) takes the mick out of me for being a Pom (all good banter). Then after meeting some more cool people it is home time for some well needed rest and a super spicy pizza.

A  great end to a great day.

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