Saturday, 8 September 2012

Dubai Brunch

Dubai brunch (Bubblicious at the Western Dubai) has alot to answer for:
1. Ted has gone walk about with my camera (last seen in a taxi and i'm currently in the process of tracking him down) (i'm told this happens alot and more often than not gets resolved). Doh!!!
2. I appear to has lost half a day. Doh!!!
3. My hangover has just kicked in. Doh!!!

Lets start at the begining.
For 500 dirhams (around £85) you get a all you can eat / drink afternoon at the Western Hotel with entertainment (two singers and group acrobatic ladies). There are different food stations each serving food from different countries around the world. Everything from Sushi to roast dinners. Apparently the trick is to eat little and often and not to fill up on bread.

Two of Claire's friends are celebrating there birthdays so there is about 30 of us (mostly attractive young ladies) in our group. It all starts at a steady pace then before you know it you've eaten a wheel barrow full of food and drank bucket load of alcohol.

Met some lovely people including a Scottish Chiropractor who is in the process of moving to Sydney.

As the alcohol has been soaked up by all the food everyone decides to move on to McGettingans to watch a live band, do some dancing and grab a few more beer. Before you know it you've lost an evening. Taxi home a few pints of water and straight to bed.

Claire has now fed me a full breakfast and two cups of coffee and I think a extra hour or two sleep is required.

Hopefully when I wake up I'll have some news on Ted and my camera

1 comment:

  1. You’ve got some interesting points in this article. I would have never considered any of these if I didn’t come across this. Thanks!.
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