Sunday 9 September 2012

The return of Ted and the missing hours

After a early morning swim I returned back to base camp to find I had a email saying that Ted was safe and well and would I be able to pick he up from the Police station along with my camera.

When I got the the station I filled out all the relevant paperwork work and Ted was released into my custody. When asking Ted what had happen he said that he was having too much fun so he hid in the taxi with my camera so that he could go back to McGettigans and continue the party. When the taxi driver realised he was still in the car Ted had passed out so the taxi driver took him to the police station. So it turns out that it wasn't actually my fault he was left in the taxi with my camera. Lol

Anyway now Ted and camera are back at base camp I can view the pictures and fill in a few gaps from Fridays Bubblicious Brunch.

Some of the fab food on offer (its not all about the drink).

One of the acts that were performing (see its not all about the drink).

The now Dubai famous LOLOL pose (only to be performed with a Scottish Chiropractor).

Ted going for a dip (think he need a bigger pool)

Dancing the night away with the live band at McGettigans (drunk people can't dance so I cant have been drunk).

OK maybe a little tipsy, Lol


  1. You can tell my son if any more shinanigins of this nature happen his uncle Dozy will fly over and clip his wings for him! You Robert, (Sunday name for dramatic emphasis!) look after your wing man and stop leading him a waddle! less falling "down" water might help!
    Mrs Duck
    (In the last chance Saloon)

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