Monday 24 September 2012

Open water dives today

Off the drink because of diving so went back to dorm for a early night and couldn't sleep. Thankfully the dorm boss, some locals and some tourists were sat outside playing music on the guitar. I joined in for a few songs and got asked if i'd come to a open mic jam the following night (they must have been drunk). It was really chilled, a great laugh and I still got into bed before 12pm.

Work up early for some breakfast before my big test. Me and one of the other guys on the class got 100% (who would have thought it). This is good because it means that Sidney has to by us a beer when we finish the course (I knew there was a reason I studied hard).

Just a few pics from today as i've been too busy concentrating to tack pictures.

This is me all kitted up after dive number 2 today.

This is one of the dive sites.

Our main instructor is really pleased with our group. We have not only completed most of our practical moduels, but our techniques are really good.
5:30 get up tomos for two dives and that should be open water completed. Then just two days of open water advanced.
I've made it a daily must do to watch the sun go down on the beach.
Its helps that Sophie and the clan are there too.

And the views aren't bad either.


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